Table Presents
Winter Food Photography Workshop
with Ola O. Smit, Lizzie Mayson, Emma Cantlay and Anna Wilkins
16th November, 9am - 4pm, £325
We are delighted to introduce you to our upcoming workshop, focussing specifically on how to take remarkable images in the winter when there is limited light. You will come away with a deep understanding on how to work throughout the whole year, feeling confident about how to shoot in low light and still gain the results you or your future clients will need.
Leading this workshop are Ola O. Smit and Lizzie Mayson, both distinguished food photographers with over a decade of experience.
Joining them are Emma Cantlay food stylist and illustrator, as well as the talented props stylist and art director, Anna Wilkins.
Together, they represent the collaborative effort behind many successful food photoshoots.
During this workshop, you will gain valuable insights into professional food photography, we will cover fundamental principles such as food and props styling.
To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable learning experience, we will begin the day with coffee and some Pophams pastries, then later on, Esther will prepare for you a delicious vegetarian lunch.
Ending the day with an informal Q&A session accompanied by a lovely glass of wine and a delightful breakfast.
Here are some of the key highlights you can look forward to learning:
Understanding the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
Mastering the use of daylight, reflectors, and tripods
Exploring depth of field through practical examples
Demonstrating the role of an assistant and their contribution to photography
Live demonstrations of overhead and ¾ angle shots, discussing their advantages and disadvantages, and how to set them up
Basic understanding of using Capture One for producing high quality Images
The art of prop styling: selecting the perfect props, surfaces, fabrics, colours and glassware. How to think about the finished recipes and how to compliment them with props. How prop houses work. How to interpret a brief.
Insights into food styling on set: Techniques for making food appear irresistible
By the end of this workshop, you will leave with a great understanding of the inner workings of a professional food photoshoot.
Along with a collection of high-quality images that can enhance your own portfolio and contribute to your growth as a food photographer.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from our years of experience in a fun and warm environment at Studio Feast in Hackney.
We are excited to teach you!
Ola, Lizzie, Emma & Anna x